Sunday, 28 February 2010

HappyDay Dare

Well hello,
Here's the video I made of my (fri)day. Nothing interesting happened. There should've been a titleroll, but that fell of or something, so I'm going to write it down here:

a day in the life of bobby blue
made for the lovely z
music by air
there were no animals harmed during the making of this movie

And for Z we've got a new dare.. The idea is not entirely mine, but yeah, whatever. Linda talked about it. Right so here it comes:
I want you to show us how you'd be like if you'd been born as a boy. You may draw this, write it, make a song about it, make a video, pictures, collage, I don't really care. You may only want to show what you'd look like, but if you want you can also tell us about the way he lives, his interests, the way he walks, talks, etc etc. It should be finished next sunday!
Good luck :D

Monday, 22 February 2010

Happy DayDare: Vlogging.

- only one week time
- no refusing, only adaptations
Dear BB,
I dare you to do vlogging.
Vlogging is enormously popular on Youtube nowadays.
You take a camera with you, the entire day and film everything you do,
or see.
But because it is you, I allow you to
write your entire day down
make photographs of everyting and make a movie out of that
make a vlogmovie.
You are now officialy dared,
and have one week time.
You can choose any day you want to do the vlogging.
Good luck,
And I hope you still love me.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Cool people who made nice things: Alexander McQueen.

Bobby told me you died. Alexander.
I did know who you were. Alexander.
You were the weirdo. Alexander.
From those weird high heels. Alexander
Gaga wore those. Alexander.
Gaga loved you. Alexander.
We loved you. Alexander
And now you are not here. Alexander.
We will miss you. Mister McQueen.